Friday, July 16, 2010


I've almost survived a full week in this class, Internet for Educators. This whole experience has been a shock to my system to say the least. I feel like I've been immersed in this technology this week. What have I learned? I'm still a traveler, trying to find my way around the web and all of the tools we used. While others here have no trouble navigating, I still get tangled up in the web! How would I have known, learning typing skills in Sister Mary Francis' class, that one day, I'd be using those keyboarding skills on this thing called a personal computer? ( I still have my old Remington manual typewriter, in fact). I guess I'm dating myself, though. However, suffice to say, I think I've learned new things, albeit with some trepidation and a lot of frustration. As I'm trying to make a page for my glog, I had to re-do it twice, because I wiped it out. This blog is new. Setting it up was somewhat complicated, but expressing myself in posts, seems to be the easiest part. Html coding wasn't surprising, because I knew I wouldn't like it, and I didn't. My youngest daughter on the other hand, asked me, "What's the big deal"? She then proceeded to give me a lesson, but it didn't clarify anything for me, and I walked away. The class lesson was interesting, but I'll let the coding to someone else! The whole classroom 2.0 is a fascinating area, and I will re-visit this next week.
More tomorrow.