For Parents

Dear Parents/Guardians,
I'd like to welcome you to this page of my blog. As promised in my letter, you should find information regarding tests and assignments your child might have. I expect to publish this weekly on Friday, so that you will have an idea of what I and the regular classroom teachers are doing with your child, and what is expected of him/her. This way, you'll know what to look for, either in the Planner or from other things sent home. Let me know if you need my assistance in any way.

Also included will be the weekly vocabulary and spelling lists from the literary selections.

USEFUL LINKS FOR PARENTS Your rights as a parent of a child with a disability Special education law

Your child's reading book is called Reading Street.  I intend to provide you with weekly spelling and vocabulary words, and will provide you with information regarding tests.  (I plan to do the same for the math from the book, Saxon Math).
   WEEK 1 - Listed below is the vocabulary list for the story, Old Yeller:
                      lunging, nub, romping, rowdy, slung, speckled

                      Here are the spelling words:
                      answered. answering, traveled, traveling, chopped,                                     
                       chopping, qualified, qualifying,   panicked,  panicking