Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I'm plugging through this

I'm a little slow on the intake, but I'm getting there. Late last night, (actually early this morning), I added a different image to my Twitter page. It's the symbol for the American Cancer Society's Daffodil Days. There's one thing I've accomplished. Up until yesterday, I hadn't used delicious. com, so I tried to access it, only to find out that Yahoo wasn't very cooperative, (or maybe it was just me). Today, I had an easier time with delicious, so I was able to move things from there to my blog. I seriously have to look at ning, because I don't think I've properly set up my network invites. Luckily, I've saved email addresses, so I plan to do that. (I checked the sent folder of my gmail account, and it's empty. Maybe that's one thing I screwed up in class and forgot to finish). I added a video to my Interesting Links page, in addition to other links I've found, and moved links from my Home page.